Wednesday, February 18, 2009

The Biggest Canvas

With every morning a new masterpiece is put on display. Overwhelming. The cloudless sunrise reveals the vast expanse that too often goes unnoticed. Watching the great fireball take its post in the heavens is a blessing that can be expected everyday. Underestimated. Never has there been a sunrise quite like another. Gazing upon God's canvas, our sky, I feel so small. But not insignificant. My job-- no, my duty-- everyday is to glorify the Great Artist who never grows weary of entertaining the sun and all of heaven with a new array of beauty. And with every coming and going of the sun, I fall more in love with this, His planet Earth.


  1. Hmm... I'm sensing a theme here... ;)

    Now you made me want to go outside and glide on spoked wheels under the rays of the great fireball. Whilst listening to my Alternative Metal-laden iPod. (because those two SO go together)

  2. haha yes there is a theme. and thats exactly the reaction i hoped for!
